Weber Ute Woman and Child

This photograph appeared on auction sites with the label, “Weber Ute Indians,” and is one of the few photos labeled as such. (The front and back of this card have different colors, making one suspicious of a mismatch, but this wasn’t unusual for C.R. Savage stereoscopic cards.) It depicts an unidentified woman and child. The woman has a prominent facial scar.

A few other photos of this same woman exist in the C.W. Carter glass plate negative collection. One of these plate glass images has what looks like the word “Shane” written on it. Her name?

And another image exists of a child who may be the same child as in this photo. In this other photo, the child poses by a chair with the same style as the furniture in the previous photo, the face looks similar, and the child’s hair is held back with a clip.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.