Slaterville was first settled in the fall of 1850

Copied from Tullidge’s Histories, Volume II, 1889, pg 53.

SLATERVILLE. Alexander Kelley and family were the first to locate in this section of country in the fall of 1850, and Stephen Parry and family joined them in the spring of 1851 and built a house. In the spring of 1852 they were joined by Thomas McCann, Thomas Virgo and John Knight, Sen. In 1853, Richard Slater, Jeremiah Bateman, Thomas Corbett and others located in the same place, and the settlement derived the name of Slaterville from the family of Richard Slater. In the fall of this year on account of Indian difficulties—the Walker war —the settlers moved into Bingham Fort, a settlement about three miles distant. Erastus Bingham, Sen., held a supervisory control in ecclesiastical matters. The people returned to their homes in 1854. In 1855 there was a large increase of settlers.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.