Reuben Short recalls Indians camping in North Ogden Canyon, by Liberty

Copied from Early Farr West Residents: Their Biographies and Their Homes, compiled by Brian L. Taylor, 2008. Pg 320.

[Reuben Short was born October 24, 1866, in Liberty, Weber County, Utah.]

The Indians used to come over the North Ogden Canyon, three or four hundred of them, a Ute band and Black Hawk band. They would camp about a block from our house, and believe me, when they would have their war dances, they would make you feel kind of funny. I never will forget one evening an old squaw and buck came and stuck their heads in the doorway. I can always see them; they very near scared the life out of me. My sister and I were playing on the floor. I don’t remember where my sister hid, but I know I ran and got under grandmother’s skirts. They wanted bread, which mother gave them.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.