Individual 5/?

Individual 5 is an unidentified man who appears in several of C.W. Carter’s photographs.

The same man may also possibly appear in a photograph with Little Soldier, the presumed wife of Little Soldier, individual 4, and another unidentified adult. Basic facial similarities exist between the individual in the Little Soldier group photo and the man who shows up elsewhere in Carter’s work. However, poor image quality of the photo of the man with Little Soldier prevents a confident comparison between the two.

Since these may be two different men, association of the person in these other photos with Little Soldier is thus very tentative.

So far, no lone portraits of this man (or perhaps either men) have been found. He’s always in a group, most often with the same other two men. Those two men are listed here as individual 13 and individual 14, who are in turn linked with individual 15, individual 16, and individual 17. Given individual 5’s uncertain link to Little Soldier, these latter men also may or may not have had an immediate association with Little Soldier.

These all date between the late 1860s-early 1870s and were taken in Salt Lake City in the same studio.

The high-quality photos come from the C.W. Carter glass plate negative collection, the others from various auction and collector sites.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.