Food and Other Resources

Documents related to the procural of food or to the status of these and other resources are sorted here.

The arrival of the pioneers and their livestock severely disrupted/depleted the food resources used by Indigenous people here. People were forced to beg or steal from settlers to acquire enough food to survive.

Unwilling to acknowledge their own role in the situation, settlers tended to regard the begging as an annoyance or as evidence of laziness. Thefts sometimes resulted in violent retribution. References to this can be found in Stories of Interactions with Settlers and in Brigham Young’s Indian Policy. Although Latter-Day Saints endured similar hardships in the east, any sympathy garnered by these experiences doesn’t seem to have been enough to completely overcome entitlement to the land and prejudice.

Animal Resources:

Plant Resources:

Seasonal Movements:

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.