Court documents relating to the arrest of Joel J. Terrell for selling liquor to Indians; Little Soldier appears as witness

From the Weber county court records, 1852-1861, in the Utah State Archives Records. ( link)

[Pg 679]

Sept 10th, 1860

Weber County Utah Territory

In the name of the people of the United States in the Territory of Utah

We the grand jury sworn and impaneled by the probate court of W. County, being in session, do find a bill of indictment against Joel J. Terrill on the testimony, Thomas Dun Ambros Shaw and (Little Soldier Indian) for disposing of Spiritous liquor to the Indians.

A true bill

Jonathan Browning foreman of the grand jury

Territory of Utah

Weber County

Probate Court for said County

Hon. A. F. Farr, Judge

The People of the U.T.


Joel J. Terell

An action of selling (or otherwise disposing) spiritous liquor to Indians

To the Sheriff of Weber County, or any of his deputies, Greeting:

You are hereby authorized and commanded to arrest the aforesaid Joel J. Terell, who has been indicted by the Grand Jury of Weber county for selling or otherwise disposing spirituous liquors to indians, and bring him forthwith before the Probate Court of the aforesaid County, at the City Hall, Ogden City, to answer to the aforesaid charge.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this writ

Witness my hand this eleventh day of September A.D. 1860

Walter Thompson, P. Clk

[pg 680]

Judgment of Grand Jury the People vs Joel J Terril

Filed Sep 10, 1860

The People vs

Joel J. Terrill


Thos Dun

Ambros Shaw

(Little Soldier Indian)

Writ the People vs J. J. Terrill

served the within by reading the same to J. J. Terrill and he is now in court

fees — 11.50

John Thompson

[pg 681 – same as 680]

[pg 682]

Sept 10th 1860

Thos Dunn, & Ambrose Shaw, you are hereby [notified?] to appear before the grand jury forthwith to give tetimony before sd jury

Jonathan Browning


We the traverse jury find the defendant guilty & assess his fine at five dollars & cost of suit

Nathaniel Leavitt, foreman

Weber County

Utah Territory

Probate Court for Sd County,

Hon A.F. Farr, Judge

The People of the U.T.


Joel J. Terell

Selling spirituous liquor to indians

To the Sheriff of Weber County or any of his deputies, Greeting:

You are hereby authorized and commanded to subpoena Ambrose Shaw, Thomas Dunn and Little Soldier, indian, forthwith, to appear before the Probate Court at the City Hall, Ogden City, to testify in a case wherein the plaintiff are the people of the United States and the Defendant is Joel J Terrell, on an indictment for selling spirituous liquors to indinas

Hereof fail not, and made due return of this writ

Witness my hand this eleventh day of September A.D. 1860

Walter Thompson, P. Clk

[pg 683]

served the within subpoena by reading the same

I served the within subpoena on the sed Ambrose Shaw, Thomas Dunn, & Little Soldier

Fees for serving three subpoenas

20 – 90 – 29 – 60

September 11, 1860

Lewis A West, Sheriff

[pg 684]

[this page contains the Fee Bill in the case of the people vs Joel J Terrell, Sheriff Fee Bill and Deputy Sheriff Fee Bill]

Ogden Citty Weber Co Oct 3/60

Br Walter Thompson sir pleas let the bearer Joel Terell have six dollars and twenty five cts and Charge the same to me and oblige yours

E. C. Richurdson [Ebenezer Clawson Richardson]

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.