Brigham Young: “The Shoshones, or Snakes, […] the Utahs, Cumumbahs, Piedes, Pah Utahs, Pav-Vants, and Diggers are so broken up into small bands, that it is impossible to tell with any degree of accuracy their numbers”

Copied from Annals of Wyoming, vol. 26, pg 168. Excerpt of a letter from Brigham Young to George W. Manypenny, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, dated Great Salt Lake City, June 30, 1855.

So far as I can at present determine, the Shoshones, or Snakes, number about 300 Lodges, but they, as well, as the Utahs, Cumumbahs, Piedes, Pah Utahs, Pav-Vants and Diggers are so broken up into small bands, that it is impossible to tell with any degree of accuracy their numbers.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.