An old Indian woman comes to the childhood home of Sarah Stone Crowther on 2nd Street to ask for clothing; she had been left behind by her group

An excerpt from the Autobiography of Sarah Stone Crowther, manuscript, typed 1959 by Macel Stone Montgomery. Excerpt printed on history blog History of 2nd Street, Ogden, Utah.

One cold autumn day they [the Indians] drove away and left an old Indian woman.  She was very old and they left the poor old thing to die.  She came up to our house (386 West 2nd Street) and begged for clothes.  She was freezing, and she could not see but very little.  We asked her why she did not go with the others.  She said she was too old and that she must die.  They would not have her any more.  I do not know what became of her after she left our place.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.