1850-09-20 to 09-30: Militia correspondence about pursuit of Shoshones, imprisonment of Native people from Weber, and court martial

From the Utah Territorial Militia Records, 1849-1877. No 0082-0090, Sep 20-30, 1850, Correspondence, orders. Series 2210, box 1, folder 8.

Pg 4:

Head Quarters

Nauvoo Legion

Sept 20 1850 9 P.M.

Special Orders No 11

To Gen H.S. Eldridge

Sir your express of this morning has just arrived

We feel to coincide with you in relation to longer continuing your expedition you will therefore bring it to a close and return

Those Utah Indians that you have in custody ought not to remain in that vicinity have them return in this direction give them your counsel and set them at liberty

We still consider it wisdom for the People to gather as heretofore directed and secure themselves in a Fort, as well as build good corils and secure their wheat

Captain Canfield will keep out a reconnoitering party after your departure that they may not be surprised

Upon your return you will direct that all things be done in order; have all horses and other property safely returned to its respective owners.  Permit no running of horses, nor detached portion strolling home in a disorderly manner without having their regular discharge

I am as ever yours Respectfully

D.H. Wells

Pg 8:

Ogden City Sept 20th 1850

Gen Wells

We arrived at this place this morning at day light all is well at this place the citizens are about their daily avocation such of them as are not on the expedition north of which you will learn by other letters

I find the posion of the troops that are left here very destitute of camp equipage they have provisions enough for this day we shall probably deal out some [provisions?] this evening.

I have purchased some beef vegetables &c that will be in this afternoon

The troops that are stationed at this place are very anxious to return about their [?] business all is well

We wait for your order with pacients

Respectfully yours

A.P. Rockwood

P.S. Lieut Mitchell is writing so I say nothing about the expedition that is reconnoiting in this vicinity

Pg 11:

Head Qrs Shoshone Expedition

Camp by Ogden City Sept 20 1850

General Orders

No 4

I. A Garrison Court Martial to consist of seven members will convene at this place this evening for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before it.  The detail for the court is as follows:

Col. John Fullmer President

Comdg Genl A.P. Rockwood

[?] Genl E.L. Williams

Col. Andrew Lytle

Lt Col. Willard Snow

Capt Daniel Carn

Capt Wm McBride

Lieut [N.E. Jones?] Special Judge Advocate

By order of

Brig Genl H.S. Eldridge

James Ferguson Adj Genl

Pg 13:

Head Qrts Shoshone Expedition

Camp by Box Elder Sept 20 1850

General Orders No 3

I. The forces will march from here this morning at ½ past 9 O’c.  Col Fullmer will camp with his company at the Ogden as before.  Lieut Kimball will resume his former camp at the Weber.  The men will not be allowed to leave their quarters without permission; the horses will be carefully guarded and all be prepared to get under arms at the shortest notice.

II.  Capt. Canfield will march in advance carefully examine the canon North of the Ogden, leading to Ogden’s hole ascertaining if any recent tracks have been made by Indians there, join the main body of the troops at Ogden, and report the result of his proceedings.

III.  Commanders of Companies will cause correct rolls to be made with the names of all the men (and owners of the horses) that have been under their command in this expedition, when they joined what service they have been in and when (if yet) they have been dismissed and return the same to the Adj General’s office by tomorrow morning at 7 o’c.

IV. The companies will assemble at the Weber settlement tomorrow morning at ½ past 7, ready for march.

By order of

Brig Genl H.S. Eldridge

James Ferguson

Adj Gen

Pg 15-16:

Ogden City Sept 20, 1850

Major gen

Sir we have nothing of importance all is peace Lieutenant Green was out with a Party up the Weber yesterday and gathered up 32 Indians and we have them in charge…he is gone this morning with A Party to Ogden Hole. And we are now Waiting for Orders

Yours respectfully

W.C. Mitchell

In behalf of Capt McBride

[pg 16] P.S. the Indians we have taken are friendly Indians.  Capt. Wm. McBride

Pg 17:

Head Qtrs Shoshone Expedition

Camp by Ogden City Sept 21, 1850

General Orders

No 5

I. In compliance with Special Orders No 11 from Maj. Genl. Wells, the troops quartered here who are not settlers in the place will march from here this morning at 9 o’c.

II.  The companies under Capt. McBride and Lieut. Kimball will camp to night in the vicinity of Cherry settlement [Centerville].  Col. Fullmer will discharge his company at this general rendezvous.

III.  Strict order will be observed, as heretofore, in the march of the troops, and none will be allowed to leave the ranks or camp without permission.

IV.  Capt. Canfield will continue to reconnoiter the country in this vicinity with a portion of his company and in case of a meeting with any of the Shoshones, care will be taken to avoid alarming or provoking their anger unless they should refuse peace and persevere in hostility.  He will report his proceedings to Genl Wells from time to time.

V. Commissary General Rockwood will receive from Company commanders a list of the teams that have been engaged in the service of the Expedition, also of the subsistence and forage that has been supplied to them.

VI.  The people settled north of Ogden will proceed without further delay to coral their grain and build their fort on the Ogden City plot, according to previous orders, and instructions from the First Presidency of the Church.

VII.  The Utah Indians now in custody of this garrison will be set at liberty with counsel to move South, and behave themselves.

By order of

Brig. Genl. H.S. Eldridge

James Ferguson Adj Genl

Pg 19:

Head Quarters Shoshone Expedition

Camp by Ogden City Sept. 21 1850

General Orders No 6

I. The garrison court martial of which Col. Fullmer is President convened on the evening of the 20th inst and the following prisoners were tried, viz: 2 Lieut Ephm. Green, Sergt. Jesse Turpin, Privates E. Snider, J.A. Thompson, J. Rawlston, A.S. Coffin, E.R. Westover, C.A. Huntington, A.J. Langley, on the following [?] –

“Charge Specification agst Lieut. E Green, Sergt. Jesse Turpin, Privates E. Snider, J.A. Thompson, J. Rawlston, A.S. Coffin, E.R. Westover, C.A. Huntington, & A.J. Langley.

“Charge – Disobedience of orders and unsoldierlike conduct.

“Specification, In this that the aforesaid did this day raise a false alarm by unnecessary firing of guns, whooping, & charging like Indians, thereby causing much trouble and fatigue to the troops and horses.  Also that they made derision of the same towards and bragged of their excesses.

(signed) Nelson S. Hollingshead

William Taylor”

After mature deliberation on the case the Court acquitted the prisoners with a  severe reprimand to Turpin & Huntington for their unseemingly behavior, although they acted in ignorance of the orders that were given by Lieut Green, not having heard them when they commenced running their horses.  A vote of thanks was also tendered by the Court to the complainants for their faithful performance of their duties as an Express.

The proceedings of the court are approved.

The Garrison Court Martial of which Col. Fullmer is President, is hereby dissolved.

By order of

Brig. Genl. H.S. Eldridge

James Ferguson Adj Genl

Pg 21:

Head Quarters, Nauvoo Legion

Great Salt Lake City

Sept 23 1850

Special Orders

No 12

I. 1st Lieut. Wm H. Kimball (of the Life Guards) will proceed immediately to raise a party of twenty five men to accompany Elijah Ward on an expedition to the Panak and Shoshone Indians.  They will take rations for thirty days and leave this place on the on the morning of the 25th.

The party will proceed on the Northern route to California, till they meet with Amasa Lyman’s Company on their way hither and apprise them of the recent difficulty with the Shoshone Indians, advising them to consolidate into strong companies and pass the word along to their rearmost company.  They will then proceed to the Panaks & Shoshones & get a talk with them, if possible, and open a permanent trade.

II.  Lieut. Kimball will use the utmost precautions in his intercourse with the Indians.  He will be careful to avoid surprise either to his men or animals, and will keep his company together not allowing small parties to scatter out from his company.

He will also select his camp away from brush and on open ground where an enemy could be seen from any point sufficiently early for the camp to secure their stock and get under arms.  He will keep up constantly a vigilant and strong guard and allow no egress from, no ingress to the camp, after twilight.

By order of

Maj. Gen. Dan. H. Wells

James Ferguson Adj Genl

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.