1850-01-31: Militia orders to raise campaign against Utes at Fort Utah – “Exterminate” hostiles, “No violence to women & children…unless demanded by attendant circumstances”

From the Utah Territorial Militia Records, 1849-1877. No 0005-0009, Jan 1850, Orders. Series 2210, Box 1, Fld 2.

Pg 4:

Campaign against the Utah Indians,

Commenced Jany 31st, 1850

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion

Major General’s Office, G.S.L. City Jany 31st, /50

Special Orders

No. 1

Col. John Scott

You are hereby ordered to raise forthwith a company of fifty efficient men; and see they are provided with horses, arms, and ammunition, and rations sufficient for twenty days, and proceed with said company to Fort Utah in Utah Valley with as little delay as possible, there to co-operate with the inhabitants of said valley in quelling and staying the operations of all hostile Indians and otherwise act as the circumstances may require, exterminating such as do not separate themselves from their hostile clans, and sue for peace.  You will march from Great Salt Lake City as early as next Monday morning and make full report of your proceedings under this order on your return and keep my office apprised of intervening operations should circumstances require.  You are also expected to operate in connection with Capt. George D. Grant in carrying out this order.

Major Genl. Comd’g

Private Instructions

To Col. John Scott

In carrying out the above order you [pg 5] will keep in exercise every principle of humanity compatable with the laws of war, and see that no violence is permitted to women and children unless the same shall be demanded by attendant circumstances.  The Utah Indians have been notified repeatedly of the consequences that would ensue to them if they did not cease to molest the white inhabitants and their herds.  You will therefore proceed against them without further appraisal or notice and execute your orders.

Maj. Genl. Comd’g.

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion

Major Generals Office, G.S.L. City, Jany 31st, 1850

Special Orders

No. 2

Capt. George D. Grant

You are hereby ordered to raise forthwith a company of fifty efficient men; and see they are provided with horses, arms, and ammunition, and rations sufficient for twenty days, and proceed with said company to Fort Utah in Utah Valley, with as little delay as possible.  There to co-operate with the inhabitants of said valley in quelling and staying the operations of all hostile Indians and otherwise act as the circumstances may require, exterminating such as do not separate themselves from their hostile clans, and sue for peace.  You will march from Great Salt Lake City as early as next Monday morning and make full report of your proceedings under this order on your return and keep my office apprised of intervening operations should circumstances require.  You are also expected to operate in connection with Col. John Scott in carrying out this order.

Maj Genl. Comd’g

Private Instructions

To Capt. G.D. Grant

In carrying out the above order you will keep in exercise every principle of humanity compatable [pg 6] with the laws of war, and see that no violence is permitted to women and children unless the same shall be demanded by attendant circumstances.  The Utah Indians have been notified repeatedly of the consequences that would ensue to them if they did not cease to molest the white inhabitants and their herds.  You will therefore proceed against them without further appraisal or notice and execute your orders.

Major Genl. Comm’d’g.

Pg 7:

Orders Jany 1850 Campaign against the Utah Indians

Pg 8:

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion

Major Generals Office G.S.L. City, Jany 31st, 1850

Special Orders No.  3

Col. John Scott

You are hereby ordered to raise forthwith a Company of fifty efficient men, and see they are provided with horses, arms, and ammunition, and rations sufficient for twenty days, and proceed with said Company to Fort Utah, in the Utah Valley, with as little delay as possible.  There to cooperate with the inhabitants, of said valley in quelling and staying the operations of all hostile Indians, and otherwise act, as the circumstances may require, exterminating such, as do not separate themselves from their hostile clans, and sue for peace.  You will march from Great Salt Lake City, as early as next Monday morning, and make full report of all your proceedings under this order on your return and keep my office apprised of intervening operations, should circumstances require; you are also expected to operate in connection with Capt. George D. Grant in carrying out this order.

Daniel H. Wells

Major General

Nauvoo Legion

Private Instructions to Col. John Scott

Sir in carrying out the above order you will keep in exercise, every principle of humanity, compatible with the Laws of Wars, and see no violence is permitted to Women and Children, unless the same shall be demanded by attendant circumstances.  The Utah Indians have been notified repeatedly of the consequences that would ensue to them, if they did not cease to molest the White Inhabitants and their Herds.  You will therefore proceed against them, without further appraisal or notice, and execute your orders.

Daniel H. Wells

Major General

Nauvoo Legion

Pg 10: Orders to George D. Grant, same as page 5.

Pg 12: Orders to George D. Grant, same as page 5 again.

Pg 14: Orders to John Scott, same as page 4-5.

A collection of documents, excerpts, and photographs relevant to the so-called Weber Ute people of Northern Utah. Not a complete history — research aid only.